Organic foods are not popular in past days, but has become very popular now a days.The reason behind this is ,organic food are really healthier and it is more nutritious. This post can help you to know about which organic foods are healthier for you and better for the environment.
The foods which are produced using methods called organic forming.The organic forming is nothing but producing foods without using chemical fertilizers, synthetic pesticides and irradiation treatment.The production of organic foods uses only natural fertilizers.
USDA explained that , organic foods are: Organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge, bioengineering or ionizing radiation.
To be certified as organic, food products need to come from farms and processing plants that are certified as organic. This means that they are inspected by certified government officials to ensure that organic farms are up to USDA organic standards.
Organic foods are more expensive to grow than conventionally grown foods and that cost shows up in the higher prices in the grocery store. The choice to add organic foods to your diet may cost a bit more money,but for the price you are getting the health of you and your family.
Making the commitment to organic food hardly means a sacrifice. The benefit to your personal health is just the start. Here are 13 reasons that take you far beyond the standard ones you most likely already have heard.
The foods which are produced using methods called organic forming.The organic forming is nothing but producing foods without using chemical fertilizers, synthetic pesticides and irradiation treatment.The production of organic foods uses only natural fertilizers.
USDA explained that , organic foods are: Organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge, bioengineering or ionizing radiation.

Organic foods are more expensive to grow than conventionally grown foods and that cost shows up in the higher prices in the grocery store. The choice to add organic foods to your diet may cost a bit more money,but for the price you are getting the health of you and your family.
Benefits of Organic Foods
Making the commitment to organic food hardly means a sacrifice. The benefit to your personal health is just the start. Here are 13 reasons that take you far beyond the standard ones you most likely already have heard.
Better for the Water
Organic food is grown without chemical fertilizers or pesticides, which can be leached from the soil and end up in water supplies.
Innovative Research
Mostly at their own expense, organic produce growers have paved the way with innovative research that has created ways to reduce our dependence on pesticides and chemical fertilizers – both often byproducts of fossil fuels. They also have led the way in developing more energy efficient ways of farming.
Increases Biodiversity
For decades now, organic farmers have been collecting and preserving seeds – as well as reintroducing rare or unusual varieties of fruits and vegetables. It is mostly thanks to organic farmers that a large selection of heirloom tomatoes has become a common occurrence in grocery stores.
Increases Consumer Choices
Thanks to organic farmers, nearly every food category offers an organic alternative. That has even extended into textiles. You can now sleep on sheets and wear clothes made of organic cotton.
Harmonious with Nature
The organic philosophy of growing believes that wildlife is integral to a farm. Organic farms do not displace wildlife – they embrace it.
Protects Family Farms and Rural Communities
As U.S. farm production continues to consolidate, small family farms are in danger of disappearing. With its higher profit margins, organic farming may be one way for family-owned farms to thrive – and in turn, revive dying rural communities.
Fresher, Better Tasting
There’s no argument that fresh food tastes better. Organic food often is fresher because is more perishable and has a shorter shelf life.
Part of Your Community
Because organic food contains no preservatives and must be consumed quickly, it often is sold to grocery stores nearby. Chances are, if you eat an organic vegetable or fruit, you wouldn’t have to travel far to visit where it was grown.
Sustainable Seafood Choices
Visiting organic markets allows you to purchase seafood that is still abundant and fished or farmed in environmentally friendly ways.
Safer and More Humane Animal Products.
Organically raised animals are not fed animal byproducts, or given antibiotics and growth hormones. And to increase their health, they’re given more room to move as well as access to a natural outside environment. Crowded living conditions are a leading cause of animal sickness and suffering.